MyDay® Toric contact lenses by Coopervison are daily disposable contact lenses with unsurpassed visual acuity and incredible all-day comfort for people with astigmatism who are looking for a high-performance contact lens for long, demanding days of wear.
MyDay® Toric lenses are incorporate CopperVsions Smart Silicone Technology - it is a unique method of channeling silicone in a lens so that oxygen is delivered to the eye in the most efficient way possible, leaving more room for 'water loving' material to add extra comfort, offering high levels of oxygen transmissibility to promote clear white eyes, providing all the benefits of a regular hydrogel gel lens and a silicone hydrogel lens combined.
Optimised Toric Lens Geometry
The multifaceted design of this toric lens ensures optimal visual acuity, lens stability, fit and comfort. Its uniform horizontal ISO thickness and wide ballast band quickly orientate the lens for better performance and simple fitting.
MyDays Aquaform® Technology
Creates an optimized balance of high oxygen permeability, and high water content, and provides increased breathability and moisture.
MyDay® Toric has been specifically designed to provide all-day comfort for people with astigmatism, with health and safety in mind. They offer the rare but often sought-after ability that allows you to forget you are wearing a contact lens by providing plenty of oxygen to the eye, and superb comfort.
Alternative Options to MyDay Toric
Optician Own Bran Equivalents
1. Coopervision.co.uk - https://coopervision.ca/practitioner/our-products/...