7 Jan 2025
A squint, or lazy eye, is referred to medically as Strabismus and is a relatively common visual disorder in children, characterised by slight eye misalignment.
A squint can easily be treated with help from your optometrist and at home. Here we help explain some of the treatments suggested to help children with squints.
7 Jan 2025
It's not uncommon for children as young as 10 years old to ask if they can wear contact lenses, so can they? Unfortunately it's not a simple case of yes or no, but a decision based on many factors.
Here we explore some of the main factors to consider before deciding if a child is ready to wear contact lenses.
7 Jan 2025
Eye-sight is undoubtedly one of our most precious senses, and the one sense we fear losing the most, a study carried out by Novartis showed that Survey 85% of respondents were most afraid to lose their eyesight of their five senses.
7 Jan 2025
As a child grows and explores the world their five senses are crucially important, none more so than their vision.Most children go through their childhood with no issues with their vision, some many need glasses to correct short-sightedness or long-sightedness whilst others will suffer eye conditions varying from mild to severe.We help you recognise the ell tale signs and symptoms of common eye conditions in children from a stye to cataracts.
6 Feb 2025
When we use electronic devices, our eyes do not move as much and our blink rate slows down, which can lead to digital eye strain, also called computer vision syndrome. Find out how making some simple changes to your child's screen time can help reduce eye strain and dry eyes.
27 Jan 2025
Infants develop their vision over the first year of life. At first, babies see only in shades of grey and aren't able to process much detail. Understanding the expected progression of your baby's vision will help you remain vigilant and know what is normal in your child's development.