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At we are committed to providing reliable, accurate and trustworthy information to all of our readers. Our content is subject to a rigorous editorial process, overseen by qualified professionals to ensure that every article meets the highest standards in eye care advice.

Content Integrity

Our Promise

From product information to educational articles, we always strive to maintain a high degree of integrity in everything we share. Our mission is to empower our readers with content that is easy to understand, transparent, and always based on reputable sources.

Our Commitment

  • All medical and eye care content is written by John Dreyer Optometrist BSc (Hons), MCOPTOM, DipCLP. John studied Ophthalmic Optics at the University of Aston in Birmingham and achieved a Bachelor of Science Honours degree. He worked at Colchester Eye Hospital and then completed the British College of Optometrists Professional Qualifying Examination, and received his MCOptom certification. He has also worked extensively in the Contact Lens field both in hospital and in practice and completed the prestigious Diploma in Contact Lens Practice (DipCLP). After spending years in Contact Lens practices, he joined Specsavers as a Contact Lens Specialist. He ran various contact lens training courses for staff for Specsavers throughout the country and wrote the first company contact lens staff training manual. John has been featured in leading UK Newspapers such as The Sun and The Express. His writing has been used as references in the Contact Lens Education Society, the Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association, and Ophthalmology research review papers
  • We adhere to the standards set out by the General Optical Council (GOC), ensuring we always operate with professionalism and honesty.
  • We ensure any advice provided aligns with the most current guidance and research in the field of optometry.

Our Approach

At, we realise that searching for eye care information online can lead to confusion most of the time. We are dedicated to producing articles and resources that clarify rather than complicate. Our editorial process always sticks to the following commitment:

All content on our website is written by real people, ensuring a personal, authentic voice. We do not use AI generated text for any of our articles at all. 

From initial research to final publication, we ensure every claim and recommendation is correct and relevant. 

All of our references include only high authority organisations such as validated medical studies, governmental information and the NHS.   

We frequently review our content, making updates as medical research changes and evolves to keep you informed of the latest industry developments. This approach guarantees that the information on our site is trustworthy and reflects current best practice.

Feedback and Queries

We welcome any feedback from our readers. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our content, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can reach out via our Contact Us page via email, phone, or post. Our customer service team will liaise with our opticians for expert advice where needed.