During the process of placing an order, your credit or debit card was declined.
Note: only your bank can tell you why your card has been declined.
This is not uncommon with internet transactions, and is usually the result of a simple error in putting in your details, or security checks from the credit card companies causing a decline to show.
In order to retry, go to `Your Account` and click `reorder`.
Specifically check when you enter the credit card details:
You have chosen your correct credit card i.e visa, mastercard
Your credit card number is entered correctly and fully
You show the EXPIRY date (not the start date)
If you are using Switch (and sometimes solo), that you enter the switch issue number.
In addition, if you are paying on behalf of someone else, or if your main residence has a different address to that where the credit card is registered, then a decline may show.
In this situation, you can either change the main address to that of the card holder address in `Your Account` and then try again (the delivery address can be different and will not effect if a card is accepted or not).
Alternatively, if you are in the UK you can ring us on Phone 0345 319 3000 and we can take your credit card details and process your order.
In addition we are Paypal registered (www.paypal.com). This is an easy and secure method to pay online.